The Steady Stater
The Steady Stater, hosted by Brian Czech, is a podcast of the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy, dedicated to exploring limits to growth and sustainable solutions. Czech and his guests discuss the principles of steady-state economics and how they apply to contemporary politics and policy. The Steady Stater airs every Monday at 8:00 a.m. EST.
Podcasting since 2020 • 62 episodes
The Steady Stater
Latest Episodes
The Hills Are Alive and Steady: Forced Growth in Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills isn’t the first place most people would think of harboring a steady-state government. Yet, led for three terms by past Mayor John Mirisch (who still serves on the city council), the enclave west of Hollywood has pushed back agains...
Season 2
Episode 19

Chris Matthews Uncut: Hard-Limits Hardball (Part 2)
In the second part of our conversation with Chris Matthews, the former Hardball host ponders the mixed legacies of Al Gore, George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and FDR. He also shares his opinions on where to look for political support for ...
Season 2
Episode 18

Chris Matthews Uncut: Hard-Limits Hardball (Part 1)
In the first part of a two-part special, Chris Matthews of MSNBC fame joins Brian to discuss the steady state economy. The CASSE signatory comments on his favorite episodes of Hardball, his recent book This Country: My Life in Poli...
Season 2
Episode 17

Beat it Bitcoin, Here Comes Beetcoin! (with Woody Tasch)
For Woody Tasch, founder of Slow Money Institute, it’s all about balance. Every moonshot needs an Earthshot; diversity and efficiency; simplicity and complexity. That’s where the “deceptively simple” concept of Beetcoin comes in. Providing crow...
Season 2
Episode 16

The Atlas of Disappearing Places: A View From 2050 (with Christina Conklin)
The future, as they say, is unwritten. But that didn’t stop authors Christina Conklin and Marina Psaros from speculating, in their acclaimed book The Atlas of Disappearing Places: Our Coasts and Oceans in the Climate Crisis. We spoke w...
Season 2
Episode 15